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Your fingertips - via Sitly - Oostvoorne - 09-03-2024 Naar vacature  

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Chat back and forth with parents to figure out if you may be interested in taking the job.

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Wondering what it’s like to work with Sitly?

Femke: “Noah didn’t like it that his mom returned so soon after doing groceries.”
Anne: “Mariska sent me a video showing that Isabel started to walk, and we both cheered for her.”
Larissa: “I wanted to have more families to babysit for and found them quickly.”
Hannah: “Whenever we draw together, I give them my drawings, and get theirs in return.”
Mick: “As a daytime sitter, you have more active time to play and do things together.”


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Answers to Your Questions

Is Sitly free for babysitters?
Account registration is free, with no obligations. With a Basic membership plan, you can browse all of the registered families in your area, invite your favourites to visit your profile, and send replies to get to know more about those who message you – all for no cost.

If you find the perfect job and can’t wait for the family to get in touch, however, a Premium subscription will allow you to start your own conversations and access other exclusive features:

1 month Premium membership: € 8,95
3 months Premium membership: € 17,85 (€ 5,95 per month)
Please note, Premium subscriptions automatically renew at the end of each billing cycle. You can cancel your membership anytime without losing your account.

How much can I earn as a babysitter?
Your babysitting earnings will vary greatly depending on how old you are, how much experience you have, how many kids you’re taking care of, and how far away you live. We recommend setting your base rate at minimum wage levels to start.

Keep in mind that it’s normal to ask for a little extra pay if you consent to extra tasks – like picking up the kids or doing certain chores around the house – but be sure to lay out clear expectations in advance. Then, do your best to agree on an hourly rate that is fair for everyone involved.

Do I have to submit my CV or resume for babysitting jobs?
No, it’s not necessary to give your complete work history to Sitly or anyone else on our platform. Simply edit your profile to add any relevant information you wish to share directly with parents. We suggest you calculate how many years of previous nanny services or babysitting experience you have, and organize any references’ contact information you might want to send later.

How do I start working as a babysitter?
Parents prefer sitters who have worked with children in the past because it gives them a greater sense of trust and confidence that their kids will be in good hands. So, if you don’t have any childcare experience, you’ll probably need to lay a little groundwork before you’re able to land a formal job.

To kick off your babysitting career, ask family members about watching your younger siblings, cousins, or nieces and nephews – or check in with your neighbours about babysitting the kids next door. This way, you can gain some firsthand experience and improve your chances of finding a great job as a babysitter or nanny!

How do I get hired immediately for open babysitting jobs?
To find a babysitting job online fast, you’ll need to make a great first impression with a picture-perfect profile. Make sure you tell families who you are, what you’re looking for, why you like working as a sitter, and when you’re available.

Keep in mind that you are 5 times more likely to be hired by a family when you have a good profile picture. So put your best foot forward by uploading a headshot or portrait that follows our photo guidelines: neutral background, no filters, nice and centered.

Download the Sitly app via
so you can reply right away to interested families. If you don’t want to wait for parents to get in touch, consider upgrading to a Premium membership so you can send the first message as soon as new jobs get posted.

How do I prepare for an interview with a family?
The babysitting interview is your time to shine, which may feel like a lot of pressure, but you can put your nerves to bed by showing up well-prepared. Most parents will want to ask you about a lot of general information regarding your background and your approach to babysitting. Review our

for a list of common interview questions so you can rehearse some answers beforehand. When it’s time for your interview with the family, remember to be punctual, polite, and professional so clients can see how serious you are about being a sitter.

Still have questions?
Visit our


Whether you’re looking for work as a full-time childminder or an after-school nanny – or just a part-time gig as an on-call weekend sitter – Sitly helps you connect with neighbourhood families to find the best baby sitting jobs near you.


As soon as you complete your account registration, you’ll gain immediate access to a list of area families looking for childcare services. Our job finding app for babysitters lets you apply personalised filters for specifying days of the week, number of children, and more – so you can quickly and easily discover the perfect family for your next job.

Download our app (Netherlands)

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Reviews of Sitly
From parents
From babysitters
Fabio & Adele
, 30-01-2023)
Easy to set up a profile and get messages from avaialble nannies
, 16-12-2022)
Snell contact met baby sitters in de buurt
, 15-11-2022)
Erg duidelijke en gemakkelijke website. Ziet er vertrouwd en professioneel uit.
, 17-02-2023)
Acceptable price to be able to write to parents and a lot of them will also write to you so free option is also useful
, 9-02-2023)
Makkelijk oppas adresjes in de buurt te vinden
, 22-01-2023)
Sitly is een goedkope en eenvoudige plek om oppas te vinden. Wat wel vervelend is is de filter die je kunt gebruiken voor het zoeken van oppaswerk. Als je filtert op in het weekend oppassen of op alleen vaste oppas krijg je nog steeds oppas aangeboden die niet onder deze criteria vallen. Maar verder is het goed georganiseerd en is het ook tof dat ouders kunnen afwijzen met een snelle klik.


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