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Panthion - Rotterdam - 13-05-2024 Naar vacature  

It can happen to anyone: you are forced by circumstances to look out for a new work environment. For example, due to a reorganization, a difference of opinion, or the organization no longer suits you. Then the world can suddenly turn upside down. How to move forward? An outplacement program with Panthion gives you the space to process the loss of your job, and then get ready for a fresh start. In an environment where you can blossom again. Outplacement through Panthion softens the landing from your last job and provides optimal guidance to a new job. During an outplacement process at Panthion, you go through six different phases to arrive at a new, suitable job. You go through these phases-depending on your personal situation and needs-more or less extensively.

Because of our targeted and personal outplacement approach, 92% of our outplacement programs are successfully completed within six months.

The route to your new destination

Exactly what the program will look like is up to you in coordination with your personal coach. Because you are our main focus! A schedule is then drawn up during the outplacement process. So that we can find you a new and suitable job as soon as possible. Together with one of our career counselors, you will increase your self-knowledge during the outplacement process and work on the techniques of networking, finding job openings and preparing a resume.

How long does an outplacement process take?
The duration of your course depends on your personal situation and wishes. Panthion offers pathways from three to
nine months.
What are the costs of an outplacement process?
The investment depends on the necessary themes to be addressed, your own wishes, the speed of the process, the intensity of the guidance and your background and experience. Basically, we work with three track choices:

Medium track – Well-equipped on the road

The investment for this program is on average € 2775,- You know who you are, what you want and what you can do, but you find it difficult to convert this into a new job. Also you could use some extra support regarding the application process. For example, optimizing your resume and cover letter and taking some coaching sessions and trainings that will make you just a little better equipped to enter the job market.

Regular track – Most chosen

The investment for this track averages € 3775, – This track is suitable for people who have been on the job market for some years, but have often been working for the same employer, in the same position or industry for a longer period of time. For this group, applying for a job is something that has been a long time coming, and dwelling on what you find important in your work or what increases your job happiness is something you haven’t taken the time to do in years.

Premium package – 45+ intensive course

The investment for this course averages €4,750 Changing jobs over the age of 45 can be an extra exciting affair. Through our intensive guidance, we will show you that the job market is open to you and you can still make a great career switch even after the age of 45. In this path, we offer intensive coaching sessions, training sessions and in addition, we show the possibilities of the new job application and personal branding.

Why Panthion?

  • 20 years of experience in HR
100% satisfaction guarantee
Tailor-made guarantee
Stress-free HR
Success rate > 92%
With Panthion's outplacement process, I created a clear self-image and insight into my desires and ideals. I translated these with my coach into a concrete action plan where we set realistic goals. Finally, within seven months, I had found a new job.

Phases in the outplacement process

  • We begin each outplacement process with a no-obligation introductory session. In this conversation, we get to know each other and explore your coaching question. After the intake interview, we decide whether we enter into a journey together and in what way;
  • In the next phase, we look backward and find your common thread. We pay attention to your life course and you take stock of your life and career to date;
  • In the third stage, you get a clear picture of your personality and talents. You take the online talent analysis and gain insight into your talents and motivations;
  • In the fourth phase of the outplacement process, you discover what you find important in work and what energizes you. You will also examine your obstacles, which until now have prevented you from putting your desires into practice;
  • In the fifth stage, we help you present yourself well. With knowledge of the job market and our critical eye, we help you on your way to a new job;
  • In the final phase, you will prepare a profile, a personal action plan and a clear resume, and we will enter the job market.

Outplacement with destination guarantee

Panthion also has outplacement programs with a destination guarantee: in that case, our guidance does not stop until you have found your place. A comforting thought. In this comprehensive process, all relevant elements of our counseling are covered according to a clear structure, but tailored to your specific situation. From grief counseling to thorough self-examination, from your unique proposition to networking and job applications. You set the pace – we won’t let you go until you’re in place.

Always customized and attentive to the personal situation

What does an outplacement process consist of?

We offer pathways for employees at MBO+ to WO level. From young professionals to those over 55. To best serve everyone, we tailor outplacement programs to your needs. Some candidates need more self-examination and grief counseling, while others need job training. Our outplacement processes include the following phases:

Introduction and plan of action;
Labor market scan;
Panthion career portal with job database;
Minimum of 13 1.5-hour coaching calls;
Training LinkedIn and social media;
Elevator pitch and job interview training;
Deployment of jobhunter for a minimum of 10 hours;
Distinctive resume and eye-catching cover letter.


"5 stars! Thickly deserved!!! I have been helped fantastically by Panthion. They not only helped me write application letters, because yes, how did that work, but also always a listening ear. Advice and heart in abundance. Have now found a nice interesting job. Because of my coach at Panthion, I have always continued to believe in myself. Thank you!"

"Because I was offered a new position with my employer during the process, the outplacement process was converted into a coaching process. Because of this, I can't give suggestions that are helpful to you. I had a particularly good time during our sessions, for which my heartfelt thanks. Rating : 9"

"I liked the outplacement process at Panthion. The practical and goal-oriented approach helped me well in making the right choices in my job search and prepared me well for my job applications. Eventually, this quickly led to a new job. Ultimately, of course, you have to do it yourself, but Panthion helps you get started well, and gets you thinking differently about what is important to you and your career."

"Whereas many agencies opt for exorbitant recruitment & selection fees, Panthion maintains a healthy approach with ditto pricing. Last month our new HR Business Partner started after recruitment & selection by Panthion's recruiters."

"After a reorganization, our HR team had to be reshaped. Panthion not only successfully redeployed much of our "old" team, but also found three new candidates who will shape our HR team of the future. To the great satisfaction of management and staff."

"After more than 16 years with my previous employer, it was the end of the road for me and I had to look for a new job. I ended up at Panthion through the Internet and at the intake interview with my career counselor there was an immediate click and a good feeling. The continued guidance of my outplacement process was fantastic, I can't say otherwise. Clear communication and agreements, good and competent advice and guidance, infectious enthusiasm. The excellent guidance in writing my letters and good preparation for job interviews helped me tremendously. The LinkedIn workshop was also very informative and valuable. And after 5 months of outplacement through Panthion, I found a fantastic job where I am having a great time. All in all, a tremendously positive experience!"

Wondering what we can do for you?

Make an appointment today for an introduction without obligation!

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