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Risk Career Guide Ac And Mac

Fsgroningen - 02-09-2021 Naar vacature  

Risk is here to help you
1. External 1.1 The accountancy profession 1.2 Auditing (controlepraktijk) 1.2.1 Chartered accountant (RA) (registeraccountant) 1.2.2 EDP-Auditor (RE) (Register EDP-Auditor) 1.3 Compilation work (samenstelpraktijk) 1.3.2 Accounting consultant (AA) (accountant- administratieconsulent)

2. Internal 2.1 Controller 2.2.1 Register controller (RC) 2.2 Internal Audit 2.3 Register operational auditor (RO)
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You probably have been studying for a few years now. You are (almost) in your master phase and it is time to seriously look at your future. Life is not only about Netflix, drinking beer and having fun at Zernike anymore. Several questions arise: should I do an internship or a starting position? What company am I going to work for? But most importantly: what career will be right for me? In front of you, you have the first Risk Career Guide for Accountancy and Controlling and Management Accounting and Control students. In this guide, you will learn more about what types of career opportunities there are after your studies.

It may seem very straightforward that you will become an auditor after your students, but there are many more possibilities. Even within auditing you have many choices. This Career Guide aims to give you more insights into the career opportunities you have after your master A&C or MAC. The guide is divided in positions where you are hired as an external party and positions where you work for the company itself. However, specific job positions titles are different per company. Therefore, for starter job positions we would to redirect you to the Risk website where you can find the Vacancy Portal with all vacancies.

Once you have more insights in what sector or type of job you like, it is time to decide what suits you best. Risk offers many opportunities for you to get in touch with companies: during our Career Events you get the chance to visit renowned companies and get in contact with relevant teams and recruiters. You can learn more about what Risk has to offer in the next chapter.

Risk hopes to have helped you a little further in your decisions for your future career path! Good luck and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to mail us or step by our office!

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RISK IS HERE TO HELP YOU Risk has set itself the goal to close the gap between theory and practice for financially interested students. Risk does this by organizing formal and informal activities and connecting you to renowned companies to prepare you for your future career! For every step towards your future internship, traineeship or entry position we offer services:

1. Get informed and orientate yourself Reading this guide is a great step to start orienting yourself on your future job. In case you want to get more information about specific companies and jobs they offer, you can visit our website and surf to the Career Page. Here, you find information and vacancies that are specially selected for you, a financial student!

It could be the case you are not quite sure which sector or company has your preference. Then it might be a good idea to plan a Risk Career Consult! Our Vice Chairman has much contact with all our partners and thus has a good overview of all career opportunities. Schedule a meeting where you will learn about many great career opportunities and find out, while enjoying a cup of coffee, which suits you best!

2. Meet the companies After you have oriented yourself, Risk offers professional events where you can meet relevant companies. Through the year, our committees organize six inhouse tours which all encompass another sector. The tours are events during which you will receive the total package: visits to the top-players in the market, cases and networking opportunities. The most relevant tours if you are studying A&C or MAC are probably:

  • Accountancy Tour (1 day): focussed on second and third year bachelor students • Accountancy Week (3 days): focussed on third year bachelor and master students • Controlling Tour (3 days): focussed on financial departments at corporates
Moreover, Risk also offers recruitment events that take place in Groningen. For example, in March, our largest event, the Risk Conference takes place during which you will hear from companies but also have the opportunity to participate in workshops and meet recruiters. For our complete portfolio of (recruitment) events, please visit our calendar.

3. How to prepare yourself for the application process As mentioned before, you can search for vacancies at our Vacancy Portal. After you have found the job or internship you want to apply for, there are several useful tips we would like to share with you! Before you start applying it could be useful to talk to someone at the company. This will potentially give you an edge over other applicants. Risk has a very strong and large alumni network at various companies and has opened this to you! To make use of the Risk Ambassador network, please contact the Board.

Lastly, Assessments, also known as pre-employment tests, are often (but not always) the final stage in the application process. Risk offers you the possibility to train your assessments for free. Visit our website for more information.

During the Risk Career Day, all of the previous mentioned points come together. During this event you will learn about all the ins and outs of an application process. Professionals from the business will share tips and tricks with you and will take you through the whole application process; from motivation letter to the actual job interview.

4. Want to boost your CV? Do you want your CV to stand out and thereby increasing your chance to get selected for your dream job? Then, make sure Risk is on your CV! By organizing one of the Risk events, you will gain organizational skills, meet companies, build a network and meet other financially interested students. If you are interested in organizing one of the events, please contact us via to plan a coffee date!

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1. EXTERNAL 1.1 The Accountancy Profession
There is a difference between an accountant and an auditor. An auditor gives additional guarantee to the board and management about how the business is in control and about the adequacy of the risk control systems within the company. An accountant checks if the annual report of an organization gives a true and fair view of the reality. A financial auditor is mostly educated as accountant.

Within the accountancy sector, there are many different firms to start your career. The best-known companies are the Big Four. The companies of the Big Four are: Deloitte, EY, KPMG and PwC. The Big Four companies are located worldwide and are the largest accountancy firms. However, many other accountancy firms also offer auditing services. The main difference between the Big Four and other accountancy firms is that the Big Four checks all the biggest firms, which have more rules to cope with for their annual report. Besides the additional responsibilities the Big Four has with checking the listed companies, the Big Four is also able to offer more financial services to companies than the smaller accountancy firms. In the accountancy sector it is really normal to continue your studies after your master degree to become a registered accountant. See below what it takes to become a registered accountant. If an accountant becomes a registered accountant, he or she becomes a member of a professional body. The professional bodies encourages the accountancy profession. Professional bodies take care of the quality of the business and stimulating development within the business.

In the accountancy sector, you could be working in the audit or in the assurance. As auditor your main task is to investigate the accessibility, clarity and accuracy of financial information. An auditor checks the quality of the financial information and how well the information is conveyed throughout the company. Where an auditor checks the information, in the assurance the quality of the information will be improved. The main task is to give the company the right information, so the business decisions could be made better. In this booklet the working fields will be explained as well as the career opportunities in these working fields.

1.2 Auditing (controlepraktijk)
An accountant working in the audit assesses if the annual report gives an accurate representation of the company’s financials. The accountant determines which financials could be at risk and gives these items extra attention. This is done by looking how the financials are made- up and how it is reported in their administration. Accountancy firms use randomly taken samples within the company to determine if the processes are correct within the company. Besides the randomly taken samples, the accountant also talks with the people of the company about the financials. The accountants are also able to get all the information they need from the company to determine if the financials are right. To increase certainty that the annual report is correct, the accountant has interim-checks at the company. During the interim-checks, the accountant checks the business processes and determines if the system information is the same as the real-time information. The accountant tries to check if the company does not commit any fraud within the organization. If everything is checked and gives a true and fair view, the accountant provides an audit report. Big companies have the obligation to have their annual report checked by an accountant. Some small and medium sized companies can make the choice to hire an accountant to check their annual report. A reason to do this would be to show trustworthiness to investors.

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1.2.1 Chartered accountant (RA) (registeraccountant)

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